if anyone one has any good suggestions about making money advertising over the internet and views on what will be good and resonable prizes to get online i'll like to know,thanks
Whats the best way to make money advertising over the internet and prizes...?
Become a distributor for an adware company.
Reply:Hi Daisy D, I do not know what business you are doing, there are many businesses on net, ebooks, clickbank, eBAY, selling your own product etc. Our team http://www.freedom.vjms.net is doing very good franchise business. Join our team to learn more.
Reply:I don't know what you mean about prizes, but I have had a lot of success advertising over the Internet. If you have a Web site that people are going to find when they are looking for information, then you may do well with Google Adwords. On the other hand, if you have a site (like a blog) that people will visit as entertainment and not because they are searching for something, Burst! or another banner-ad company might be a better fit for you.
In my case, I try and use both solutions whenever possible, and have done rather well.
Reply:Yes the above answer is correct about "google adwords" or some other similiar form of advertising, also a good form of advertising a website or blog is traffic from a search engine query. I will provide a link to help you bring traffic to a website/blog below
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