Does anybody know how to make money online? DO NOT repsond with websites that make u pay. I am wondering if there r any sites where u can earn money for absolutely 100% free!! that means no signing up for other offers, paying fees, etc. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
MONEY$$$$$$ question??????
Do you want to earn money by playing games online?
Well just click on or copy and past this link:
You’ll start off with $0.01 and it doubles up every time you win like this: 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32, 0.64, 1.28, 2.56, 5.12. etc.
Try it, I earn a whole lot of money
Kevin Barnes
PS. you have to be invited to do this so make sure you use this exact url.
Reply:1- become a medical transcriptionist. all work is done online but you need to pay for training.
2-trade stocks online. most online brokers require you to have a small initial investment.
3-sell stuff or offer a service on craigslist.
those are some low cost ideas, but basically, there's no such thing as a free lunch.
Reply:there are ways you can earn money online, it just takes some hard work! There are tons of sites out there that will scam you and it happens to me a number of times but here's ones that I found to work so far! I know it may look like spam but it's not!
there's a site called Shared Reviews that's free to sign up and all you do is write reviews, and get PAID depending on how good your reviews are. The site is almost half year old and the people there are nice. I'm "ooncha" on there. They'll pay you through Paypal too! It'll take awhile to get your ranking high enough to actually earn a few dollars (top 10 earns about $500-300 a month) and it's competitive but you can get some cash!
someone told me about this site that's like Paypal and it's in beta stage. Its free to sign up and you get $25 for free! The registration is easy and it's just like Paypal and super secure. I just got $25 already, and you can refer up to 50 people and each person is $10 so in total you get $500. So if you think you can get 50 people to join, you can get $525 for free! It's invite only though. if you want to try, email me and i can invite you :) don't get money for doing nothing. Those sites you reference are all scams anyway. The only way to maybe get money for just about nothing is to pay the lottery (with a very small chance to win)...otherwise, you need to work for wise maybe you make a website that provides a service people want or info they want to see and get advertising.
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